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Why you should consider file reviews on closing matters?


The value of file reviews

Do you use a file reviews at the conclusion of a matter? We look at why this can be helpful, what you can learn and how to conduct them


Work can be busy. We are often so focused on the next task that we forget to stop, and evaluate the work we have completed. 


File reviews  at this stage can be a useful tool. This can be particularly useful for something new or non-routine. It also helps as a way to check whether processes are as efficient as they could be. I also allows you to check that the costs structure used is working to its full potential.


The role of the file reviews are not to criticise but to evaluate and learn. Understanding what went well is as important as identifying areas for improvement. The aim of a review can be adjusted to suit your aims and objectives. They can focus on a wider firm basis or a single matter. (more…)

What is a Costs Budget?

What is a costs budget?

A costs budget provides a detailed breakdown of the legal costs of each phase of the case, identifies the costs already incurred and provides an estimate of future costs. (more…)

Why do lawyers undercharge for their work?


The problem with money

Talking about money can be difficult and make us feel uncomfortable.

Culturally we are discouraged from discussing our finances. Speaking about money can be viewed as rude or vulgar.

But money is important, especially in business. It is crucial to the success of a business, from the fashion industry to law firms. They need to be able to value and price their work correctly to prosper.

So why do we undercharge and how can this be prevented? (more…)